On 13 March, proud Yilka Elders HM, Chairman of the Cosmo Newberry Community and wife Gwen Murray visited MACA’s head office in Welshpool to deliver Cultural Awareness Training.
Our relationship with HM and Gwen began in 2017 when MACA secured the Gruyere contract, a joint venture between Gold Fields and Gold Road Resources.
In the seven years since, we have had the privilege of getting to know the Cosmo Newberry Community and gaining insight into their rich culture through on-country experiences for all Gruyere employees.
In this session, HM captivated the room as he delved into Yilka’s ‘Tjukurrpa’ – the belief system of how his ancestors shaped the land and imparted customs for protecting it. He shared the harrowing story of his mother, a half-cast child, being captured along with her mother and father as part of the stolen generation, and the years spent in a mission and pastoral stations off-country.
We learnt about the relationship which was formed between the Yilka people and Gold Road Resources seven years before any contract to mine on the land was formalised, and the heritage surveys that were undertaken ahead of any and all project proposals. HM showed a collection of traditional artifacts found on the land, and shared how the contributions of the Gruyere mine have bettered the Cosmo Newberry Community.
The session concluded with our team invited to try bush tomato, live honey ants, damper, kangaroo, and of course, a witchetty grub (maku) for only the extraordinarily daring! It was fantastic to eat these foods which have been sustaining the Yilka people for hundreds of years.
Today, Cosmo Newberry is a completely self-sustained community home to approximately 100 Yilka people. Gwen set up the first school in the living room of their home which has now progressed to a three-teacher institution, a separate school building, and a Junior Rangers Science Program. We thank HM and Gwen for sharing the history of their people and the unbreakable connection to their land.
At MACA, we acknowledge the Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of the land, paying our respects to HM, Gwen, and Elders far and wide.