On Saturday 13 May, the Tampia Gold project came to an end with the MACA crew successfully completing all contracted scope of work.
Alongside their remarkable operational performance, the team displayed exceptional safety performance throughout the entire duration of the project, evident in an impeccable Total Recordable Incident Frequency Rate (TRIFR) of 0.00.
After two years of operations, Project Manager Matt Parkes said the team should take pride in their accomplishments, which were possible due to the commitment and accountability of the workforce.
“The project saw a collection of new and familiar faces to form the MACA Tampia Gold project team. Since then, the team consistently delivered outstanding results throughout every stage of the mine’s life, including establishment, production, and closure,” he said.
In 2021, MACA was awarded the open pit mining contract at Tampia for long-term client Ramelius Resources to execute the load and haul, drill and blast services. This project was situated 12km southeast of Narembeen in the Western Australia Wheatbelt, approximately 250km east of Perth. Throughout the duration of the mining contract, MACA also handled rehabilitation and mine closure activities.
“The majority of MACA employees had been involved in the Tampia project from its inception, from breaking ground at the greenfield in 2021 to seeing the final truck of ore come out of the pit earlier this month. It’s no doubt Tampia has been a rewarding project for all involved,” said Matt.
Noteworthy statistics from MACA’s operations at Tampia included:
- Total workforce – ~120 and 550,000 manhours (as of March 2021 to date)
- TRIFR – 0.00
- Total waste movement – 6,183,898 BCM
- Total Ore movement – 1,282,441 BCM
- Total drilled meters – 936,331m
To date, MACA has delivered several projects for our client Ramelius Resources, including Edna May, Penny Gold, Tampia and Mount Magnet.
“Like any mining operation, Tampia was not without its challenges. However, through a collaborative approach, commitment to excellence, and shared vision with the client, we were able to deliver safe and successful project outcomes,” said Matt.
In addition to project delivery, engagement with the local Narembeen community also formed a major focus for MACA.
“It has been fantastic to get involved in the Narembeen community throughout the life of the project. From supporting grassroot initiatives, local businesses and local employment,” he said.
Since project completion, all MACA employees have been redeployed across multiple MACA projects, with the majority choosing to be transferred to Karlawinda, Mt Cattlin, and Iron Ridge. All major plant has now been relocated to Cape Preston, Glenn Herring (Sanjiv Ridge), and Mt Cattlin.
“Personally, I am proud to have been a part of the team at Tampia for the final six months of the operation and would like to thank all those that have been involved in the successful completion of the project,” said Matt.