MACA recently welcomed its 15th cohort of trainees to the Dump Truck Operator (DTO) Development Program.
The program is designed to provide people who haven’t had previous experience in the industry, the opportunity to develop the necessary skills to operate before they set foot on site.
Technical Trainer and course facilitator Rachel Raisin said the program emphasises MACA’s focus on producing skilled and safety-conscious operators.
“The program consists of three-day theoretical training, followed by a practical prestart inspection training of a Komatsu 1500-8 at Komatsu’s Welshpool yard.”
“The enthusiasm and engagement trainees bring to the course feeds and fuels the experience. It’s a safe and fun learning environment, adapted to the needs of each individual,” she said.
Since its inception in 2021, a total of 115 participants have been trained and deployed to various MACA projects across the business.
“Training is easy if a person wants to learn. I feel privileged to facilitate this course and inspire the start of someone’s transition into mining. It’s the highlight of my role,” said Rachel.
Interested in becoming an operator? Contact for more information.