Target’s Statement – Off market takeover from Thiess Group Investments Pty Ltd.
This is an important document and requires the immediate attention of MACA shareholders.
First Supplementary Target’s Statement.
This is an important document and requires the immediate attention of MACA shareholders. This document supplements, and must be read together with MACA’s Target Statement dated 24 August 2022.
Shareholder Dividends
Dividend Policy
MACA Limited intends to pay total dividends for each financial year in the range of 30% to 60% of the full year Net Profit After Tax.
The declaration and amount of dividends are at the sole discretion of the MACA Board.
In making a decision concerning the dividend, the MACA Board will take into account MACA’s earnings for the period, future capital requirements and other relevant factors, such as the outlook for the business.
Corporate Directory
Company Secretary:Â Peter Gilford & Nick Ward
Auditors:Â Moore Stephens
Accountants: Bentleys WA Pty Ltd
Bankers:Â Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Corporate Officer (Registered): C/- Bentleys (WA) Pty Ltd
Solicitors:Â Steinepreis Paganin
Share registry:Â Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited